Category: feeling better in school

Enter the World of Fairy and find healing. tranquility and fun.

What? Are you kidding? Fairy?

Yep. You. Me. Especially if you

  • love nature
  • collect stones or wear crystal and gemstone jewelry
  • like to garden
  • crave adventure
  • enjoy stories of Merlin, King Arthur, or of trolls, elves, Avalon
  • need support for your life or creative ventures

Fairy Reiki/Avalon Energy, one Reiki tool, comes from mystical Avalon where the Fae folk lived in the forest and land. This particular kind of Reiki session will help you lighten up, tune in, and will enrich your life in countless ways that have to do with nurturing yourself and earthly gardens, softening in your body, loosening up and finding more to your time here on the planet.

This Reiki and the Fairy Nature Realms Reiki that I also use is my favorite Reiki to use with children. I find that all sorts of wonderful elves and fairies appear in my imagination and talk to children through me. It’s a lot of fun and it’s also helpful for children who may be suffering on some level their own unique stresses.

Sometimes when parents don’t know what to do, this kind of creative session will do wonders. I now offer a special rate for children here – just scroll down the page to Children’s Services, mention Fairy Reiki anyway you’d like and we’ll go from there.

Meanwhile, reach for the stars, open to earth and sing a happy tune 🙂

Many blessings,
Melanie A. Stinson

Artist: M.A. Stinson


Hooked on Reiki? What?
Think about it.


Isn’t it better to be “hooked” on an energy balancing/meditation treatment than on drugs and alcohol?

A high school student began to have weekly sessions of Reiki with me. If I were a parent I could have been worried. I have talked to parents who don’t know much about Reiki and decide to learn about it when they see their son or daughter grow into more confident reassured individuals after several sessions or after a Reiki Level 1 class.

When a third grader asked his mother if he could have a Reiki play date every month, she could have been worried, but she had read about Reiki and realized it was helping her son. He no longer drank pop all day long and seemed less antsy and contented than before.

A parent might wonder, is Reiki addicting?

No. Most individuals come for one or two sessions or for several months on a weekly or monthly basis.

According to the HBO Addiction Project, “addiction is a chronic relapsing brain disease. Brain imaging shows that addiction severely alters brain areas critical to decision-making, learning and memory, and behavior control, which may help to explain the compulsive and destructive behaviors of addiction.”

Addiction has been considered physical and psychological dependence on psychoactive substances (for example alcohol, tobacco, and drugs) which cross the blood-brain barrier once ingested, temporarily altering the chemical makeup of the brain.

Addiction to drugs or alcohol is often a response to trauma or shock, peer pressure and to feelings that a person has difficulty with. S/he may feel a great sense of hopelessness, anger, frustration, fear, tension, or the pain of low self-esteem and shame. Alcoholism is also a disease that creates a dependency that is extremely difficult to break even with professional guidance.

Going for a Reiki session is first of all a way to come into balance, release stress and stressful thoughts, and usually come to a sense of well-being and peace. But it can be more.

Sometimes it leads to greater awareness of what underlies a way of being. That awareness can become a tool for positive change.

Sometimes Reiki becomes a spiritual practice and although I have heard that such practices can be addictive, they serve more to restore balance, bring peace, change attitudes, and resolve differences.

Reiki serves to make the world a better place. That’s a program I can get behind… Hooked on Reiki, Hooked on Fishing, Hooked on dancing. Yes.


Do you have a distressed child? Do you have a teen who doesn’t want to go to school any longer?

I work with youth like these and I’d love to work with more of them. I am quite unusual in working with children. As a Reiki teacher, children’s writer, former children’s and young adult creative arts and dance teacher, and a CCT/Reiki bodywork therapist, I have the unique ability to come to the child’s level and see through his or her eyes, while having the insight and training of an adult. Together, we come up with unusual solutions.

We may find a wonderful stone that feels calming and calls to us. We may talk about energy and energy fields and discover how to set our energy field like the ancient Hawaiians so we feel more grounded and more at ease in our lives.

We may connect to our energy and discover that the Force is with us like JEDI Masters who don’t need lightsabers.

We may remember that we can text GOD, Super Pickle, or some wondrous protector at any time we need. We may find a new understandings about people and places.

When I was growing up, I had an invisible yellow cape that I put on that helped with fear. I discovered it through a play process that is meditation. I consider it a brainpower practice but in other traditions it might be called imagining, visualization, or a form of Hawaiian journeying or shamanism (a shaman being a wise woman/guide).

While I am with a child I may use an energy modality like Reiki to help calm the child and reach a place of balance in which we create a temporary resting place where the child feels safe. Sometimes the temporary “fix” becomes the solution. Often the child becomes empowered within so that s/he continues to create and resolve situations and challenges for him or herself. Once in awhile the child so enjoys the experience that s/he may ask to return for another session or sessions with me.

My prices are reasonable. And be assured that when a behavioral therapist or medical professional is needed, I advocate using their services. Reiki and all that I use in a session with a young person can be accommodated alongside any belief system, spiritual or non-religious, and any medical practice.

DM or e-mail me for more information and we can set up a time to Skype or talk by phone about you and your children.

Something’s moving and it just might be you… or someone of the younger sort who you care about–a lot.

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